Greyson Grimes
Check out this song and many other amazing songs by Greyson Grimes.
If you wish to have someone included in our Memorial Video Tribute please provide the name, age, and picture of your loved one. We will then update our video to include your loved one in it.
Solace For Hope™ is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to offering safe and compassionate meeting places in Orange County, CA and the surrounding area for family members and friends who have been impacted by Substance Use Disorder, Drug Overdose, and loss of loved ones. The mission of Solace For Hope™ is to provide supportive resources in an effort to help alleviate the emotional pain associated with grief from addiction or overdose on drugs. Donations to Solace For Hope™ are tax-exempt, and Solace For Hope™ complies with all 501(c)(3) rules and regulations. Solace For Hope™ is a registered 501(c)(3) in the United States of America 83-3516421
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